TIZA B. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
A NEW VOICE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Before we begin our biography of Tiza B., we must first talk about the group BEE BEE HONEY, which she founded with composer/guitarist Chris Bovet. In 1989, Chris met Tiza and invited her to come and perform on the tour with his band, �INTERGALACTIC FUNKACTIVITY�, throughout Switzerland and neighboring France. A small fire was lit, when 1990 rolled around and Tiza was asked to return to Europe for a more extensive tour as lead vocalist. but it didn�t take long before Chris and Tiza threw their musical talents and cultural backgrounds in a big melting pot, creating their own tunes. Tiza remained in Europe,principally in Switzerland, and continued to work with different bands as well as with Chris. But it wasn�t until 1991, as they were touring in Germany with a Rhythm and Blues band together that they tested some of their material publicly. The response was positive and this led to them form their own group in 1992 and produce their first CD, BEE BEE HONEY �UNSTOPPABLE�. From the fall of 1992 and on through 1993 the band did series of concerts, evoluating their show and songs, taking them to another level. It was during this time that they recorded their second CD �TO THE FUTURE� in Los Angeles,CA with known mixer/producer Taavi Mote (Madonna, U2, Bobby Brown,etc...),working with such artist as Phil Perry, Gerald Albright and Michael �Patches� Stewart. In 1995, BEE BEE HONEY returned to the concert and festival scene with a mo-funk, mo-soul line up of musicians and backup singers and a SHOW that was hotter than ever. This continued on through 1996. But in 1997, Chris and Tiza took time out to write, arrange, record and produce their 3rd CD �HERE I COME�, distributed by COD Music -#92397. And once again they returned to the stage adding to their list live radio interviews, national airplay as well as live television interviews and performances. From that CD the title track has been remixed by Japanese rapper/producer Bananaice . By the end of 1998, Chris and Tiza are once again in the studios and the decision has been made to change direction for the maerketing of the music under the name of Tiza B. and no longer BEE BEE HONEY. But the music remains true to the soulful sounds that one can count on from a BEE BEE HONEY Production and ever better. FastCounter by LinkExchange | |||||||||||||||||||||||
�Puissance, profondeur, �nergie, g�n�rosit� : Tiza B. poss�de cette facult� rare de transmettre ses sentiments � l�auditeur, de l�inviter au plus beau des voyages, destination plein c�ur. Mais Tiza B. n�est pas qu�une chanteuse hors-classe. Au fil des exp�riences et des rencontres, elle s�est taill� sur mesure un univers musical totalement original. Les influences - Soul, Funk, Pop, Rock - , ne sont pas utilis�es comme les ingr�dients d�une recette un peu fade parce que sans surprises. Tiza B. �volue dans une autre cat�gorie, celle du risque maximum, celle des alchimistes. Aujourd�hui au sommet de son art Tiza B. affirme donc d�finitivement son identit�, sans oublier ce qu�elle doit � son riche pass�. Apr�s une enfance marqu�e par un long passage dans un des meilleurs ch�urs du Michigan - les fr�res DE BARGE �taient membres de la m�me �glise � Tiza B. bifurque vers la com�die musicale. Quelques saisons apr�s, au cours de s�jours en Europe, elle collabore avec plusieurs groupes et artistes solos, sur sc�ne et en studio. Sur son walkman, ARETHA, SARAH, ELLA et CHAKA sont en rotation continue. Puis en 1992, c�est " LA " rencontre avec le compositeur et guitariste Christophe BOVET. Rencontre qui d�bouche sur la formation de " BEE BEE HONEY ", le groupe qui permet � Tiza B. d�exprimer les multiples facettes de son talent au travers de compositions personnelles. Trois albums plus tard, Tiza B. est pr�te pour le 21�me si�cle. Et on commence � chuchoter que le 21�me si�cle n�attend plus que Tiza B.� P-Y. MASPOLI, Radio Suisse Internationale | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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